Surf News Network, 8 May, 2015 – Half Moon Bay, California – Today the Half Moon Bay Review reports that the World Surf League are gunning for the Maverick’s contest permit, which is currently owned by Los Angeles-based Cartel Management.
Cartel Management purchased the contest rights from Mavericks Invitational in 2014, but the 2015 winter big wave season passed without an event.
According to the HMBR’s report, ” At the June 15, 2013, Harbor Commission meeting, Commission President Sabrina Brennan and Commissioner Robert Bernardo moved to allow Mavericks Invitational to hold a contest at the Pillar Point Harbor site for the 2013-2014 season.
But then the minutes read that the next two seasons — 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 — would be “conditioned upon the right of the Harbor District to review and modify its approval of the additional years as may be deemed appropriate by the District.”
In response to surfacing questions about the permit, Cartel Management’s COO Brian Waters wrote via email, “Please be assured that Mavericks is in great hands under Cartel Management Inc. and its appointed governance of the Committee 5. Cartel and Titans of Mavericks continue to govern and manage the annual event.”
“We’ve paid for the permit for next year,” said Jeff Clark, a member of the Committee 5. “We hold the permit and it’s paid for.”
With the contest on seemingly shaky ground, the World Surf League has expressed their plan to secure the permit should it become available.
“Whenever the permit is available, it’s our commitment to secure the permit,” WSL’s EVP/General Manager of Tours Graham Stapelberg told the HMBR. “Looking ahead, any success of the Mavericks contest is due to the local community’s support. We run a successful seven-event, big-wave tour already. And we’re in a position to understand the needs of the local community and also put on a professional surfing event in (a location like Half Moon Bay).”
Following a completed application, the WSL’s proposal would be presented to the Harbor Commission. No date has been set for the discussing, though today’s report speculates the matter could be discussed at the June 17 meeting.