WSL Updates
6 contenders in all – Fanning still leads but Toledo is close behind (just 200 points) and that’s without the 2 throw aways (in which case Felipe is over 1000 points ahead of Mick).
Surf News Network, 30 October, 2015. The WSL’s Deputy Commisioner Renato Hickel just released the latest world title scenarios. For all the number crunchers out there there are six contenders for the world title: Mick Fanning, Adriano de Souza, Gabriel Medina, Owen Wright, Julian Wilson and Felipe Toledo.
Mick Fanning will arrive in Hawaii keeping the Jeep Yellow Jersey rankings leader, however, Filipe will have the edge when equaling results with Mick (in order words, Mick will have to beat most of Filipe’s place finishes). Following scenarios are mostly between the two, along with the other four contenders to the 2015 WSL World Title.
If Mick Fanning finishes 25th/13th (2nd or 3rd round)
Owen Wright & Julian Wilson will need a 1st;
Gabriel Medina will need a 3rd (semis) or better;
Adriano de Souza will need a 9th (4th round) or better;
Filipe Toledo will need a 13th or better to clinch the World Title;
If Mick finishes 9th
Gabriel will need a 1st;
Adriano will need a 5th (quarters);
Filipe will need a 9th;
If Mick finishes 5th
Gabriel will need a 1st;
Adriano will need a 3rd;
Filipe will need a 5th;
If Mick finishes 3rd
Adriano will need a 2nd;
Filipe will need a 3rd;
If Mick finishes 2nd
Adriano will need a 1st;
Filipe will need a 1st;
If Mick wins the event he will clinch the World Title.
Rankings – Top 26:
Mick Fanning (AUS) 1 49900
Filipe Toledo (BRA) 2 49700
Adriano De Souza (BRA) 3 49450
Gabriel Medina (BRA) 4 45350
Ow en Wright (AUS) 5 43600
Italo Ferreira (BRA) 6 41600
Julian Wilson (AUS) 7 41450
Jeremy Flores (FRA) 8 37700
Kelly Slater (USA) 9 34150
Nat Young (USA) 10 33200
Bede Durbidge (AUS) 11 30450
Josh Kerr (AUS) 12 29650
Joel Parkinson (AUS) 13 27100
Wiggolly Dantas (BRA) 14 26850
John John Florence (HAW) 15 25200
Taj Burrow (AUS) 16 24450
Matt Wilkinson (AUS) 17 23750
Kai Otton (AUS) 18 23600
Adrian Buchan (AUS) 19 21450
Jadson Andre (BRA) 20 19950
Keanu Asing (HAW) 21 18750
Michel Bourez (PYF) 22 18700
Kolohe Andino (USA) 23 17750
Sebastian Zietz (HAW) 24 15500
Miguel Pupo (BRA) 25 15250
Adam Melling (AUS) 26 14250
Brett Simpson (USA) 26 14250