“Summer of ’66” A surfboard design project by Randy Rarick. Premiering on TheSurfNetwork.com, Tuesday, August 23rd.
Featuring ten classic nose riders from 1966, ridden by ten contemporary test pilots.
Featuring: Honolua Bloomfield, Tosh Tudor, Rosie Jaffurs, Willy Asprey, Journey Regelbrugge, Link Earle, Tessa Timmons, Keoki Saguibo, Brittany Penaroza and Leah Dawson.
Filmed on location at the North Shore.
Special nose riders including: Bing “David Nuuhiwa Nose Riding Model, Morey-Pope “Snub”, Ramsey-Jay “Elevator”, Greek “Eliminator”, Yater “Spoon”, Con “Ugly”, Gordon & Smith “Stretch”, Rick “UFO, Con “Wing Nose and a Harbour “Cheater”.

Fifty-five years after these boards were made, the story of how they are still relevant in today’s world!

Watch for free at: www.TheSurfNetwork.com, starting Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022