Beach Community News: The People’s Park?

Is this cover shot a warning shot? The growing number and size of the high rises are getting ominous…

Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell wants to significantly change Ala Moana Beach Park, a favorite of locals in Hawaii for many many decades. Some people are not too happy about the mayor’s plans.

“We’re trying to make it better” says our Mayor

But the local people’s question is for who in the long haul?


Dick Allgire explores opinions and shares his own…and they are polarized between the City + Developers & the Local People,  to say the least.

One Comment

  • Posted February 26, 2018 at 12:45 pm | Permalink

    Terrible job of reporting. You made your agenda very clear, this is a message to divide rather than start a meaningful conversation. So I’m the bad guy for living across the street and feeling the park needs a make-over?
    Wrong. Absolutely wrong.
    Disappointed in SNW!

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