Happy Earth Month!
On Earth Day, April 22nd, there will be many events occurring statewide, including beach cleanups. The biggest event will be a March for Science at Sinclair Circle (UH Manoa) on Earth Day from 3:00-7:00 PM. Other sister events can be found here: http://surfrider.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f40e863845fbac77cd6b3940&id=bf162ff6fa&e=516b629986
Surfrider has also joined dozens of nonprofits to help organize the People’s Climate March on April 29, 2017. Climate change is a serious issue facing our planet and it’s our duty to raise awareness about its impacts. Surfrider’s goals for participating in the march are: to raise awareness about climate change impacting our oceans and coasts; urge the new Administration to not withdraw from the Paris Agreement (which brings together over 190 countries to curb climate change); oppose legislation to prohibit U.S contributions to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); and most importantly, to stress the importance of Federal leadership and the use of science to address threats from climate change and sea level rise. The People’s Climate March in Honolulu will take place on April 29, 2017 at 10:00 AM at the Kalakaua Statue in the Waikiki Gateway Park. (Click photo below for more info.)
Hands Across the Sand
Our next big event will be Hands Across the Sand. Founded by Surfrider and other nonprofits, this event brings people together to oppose offshore drilling and fossil fuels and to promote a clean energy future. On May 20th at 12 p.m. local time, people will join hands on beaches and parks around the world to demonstrate support for protecting our coasts from oil and gas development and the need to transition to clean energy solutions. All events are organized locally by volunteers, and the event website provides most of the resources that you will need. Click on the picture below to get involved with this event or check the following link to update the locations of Hands Across the Sand for your Chapter. Don’t forget to post it to your social media!

Surfrider’s Priority Legislative Bills 2017
The 2017 legislative session is coming to a close at the end of the month, and a number of priority bills are still alive and going into Conference Committees. At the county level, we are still hoping to pass bans on polystyrene food containers on Maui and the Big Island. Here is a list of the statewide bills we’re supporting: 1. HB 636 HD1 (Water Conservation Rebate Program); 2. HB1244 HD1 (Amends the cesspool upgrade, conversion, or connection income tax credit and establishes a grant program to assist with cesspools); 3. SB1150 (Prohibits the use & sale of sunscreens containing oxybenzone in a Marine Life Conservation District); 4. HB1578 HD1 (Establishes the Carbon Farming Task Force to improve soil health and promote carbon sequestration in the State’s agricultural sectors.)

Save the EPA Campaign
The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect human health and the environment. As a grassroots organization, the Surfrider Foundation depends on EPA programs and regulations to ensure that the water that flows down to the beach is clean and free from pollution and that beachgoers have the information they need to avoid getting sick at the beach. Given the current political climate in DC and the open antagonism of the new administration towards the EPA, we are preparing not only to fight to keep important safeguards for clean water in place and funded, but also to fight to save the entire agency so that it can continue to meet its mission of protecting public health and the environment.

Activist Profile: Holly Kersten
After falling in love with the Hawaiian Islands, Holly moved from the California Coast to Kona in 2002. Her love for the ocean inspired her to volunteer with the local Surfrider Foundation chapter in Kona, where she serves as Chair. Impassioned to protect Hawaii’s precious natural resources, Holly has helped to design Sea Paradise sailing and snorkeling tours to be as Eco-friendly as possible. She has also been incredibly generous in hosting Planning Retreats and fundraisers on her boat for both the Kona and Hilo Chapters! Additionally, Holly is actively involved in the community helping to develop new manta and dolphin protection regulations. Mahalo to Holly for being a great leader and supporter of Surfrider’s many campaigns!