Logic of a Dream
“This is my first showreel, it was filmed in Portugal and Hawaii during the past 12 months and shows what I really love to film: Surf and Nature. Being able to shoot these breathtaking places and incredible surfers is something that motivates me to keep following my dreams”.
Surfers: John John Florence | Craig Anderson | Lucas Chumbo | Francisco Porcella | Miguel Blanco | Steph Kokorelis |
Filmed and edited by Nuno Dias
Logic of a Dream from Nuno Dias on Vimeo.
Music by Explosions in the Sky – Logic of a dream
All the footage in this video is copyrighted. To use it or obtain a license for the footage on this video for social networks, editorial pieces, tv broadcast or in a commercial player please first contact: nuno_dias@icloud.com
Facebook: facebook.com/photonunodias/
Instagram: @nuno_diass