Image Travis Eichner
This aspiring talented teen photographer Travis Eihner(18)miraculously survives a 90ft plunge off Hawaii’s ‘Leap of Faith’ cliff into the sea after slipping on unstable ground late Sunday March 5th.
- Travis (son of long time NS glasser, Steve and Louise Eichner) fell off of Koko Head’s ‘Leap of Faith’ cliff while taking photos
- The 18-year-old broke nine bones from the fall and suffered a severe concussion
- Strangers, one of whom’s name is Stefan Cranston ( just happened to be nearby) saved his life by putting him on a surfboard and pushed him to shore…Travis was knocked out by the dangerous fall. They’re good friends now. 🙂
An 18-year-old photographer, surfer, hockey player was taking photos on a Honolulu cliff when he slipped and plunged 90ft face-first into the ocean.
Travis Eichner broke bones and got a severe concussion when a rock slipped out from underneath him while he was checking his photos.
During the fall from Portlock’s ‘Leap of Faith’ cliff Sunday, he smacked into a rock ledge and the impact rendered him unconscious.
He was air lifted to Queen’s Hospital in Honolulu and is miraculously expected to make a full recovery after surgery.
Strangers rescued him from the ocean by putting him on a surfboard and taking him to shore.
Eichner’s rescuers started a GoFundMe for his medical bills and are trying to raise $20,000 for his family.
Stefan Cranston was one of the friends who helped pull Eichner to safety. He told Hawaii News Now: ‘We shouted out call 911! We shouted it about five times until we saw people reacting.’ Check the story HERE
- “Update on Travis Eichner 3/5 11:15pm. He has broken bones in his back, feet, ribs, and elbow. He’s currently in surgery. He has severe lacerations on his body and back of his head. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. It means so much to us. I’m so thankful for God’s family and friends. God is merciful to us”! Louise Clark Eichner
- Lets Help Travis! This fine & talented young man helped me (along with Tim & Donovan Warren) a couple years back when I nearly lost my left eye in the surf from my board). Thnks again Travis. So happy you lived and will be fine. You are fortunate! Godspeed to getting back 100%! Aloha, Gary -GQ- Kewley