Story by: The Inertia
Over the weekend, Kai “KaiBorg” Garcia suffered a heart attack.The Hawaiian heavy-hitter is known for his prowess in big waves, holding it down at the Volcom House, and, of course, his WWE calibre muscles.
And because of his He-Man physique, this minor health hiccup likely won’t turn him into a sleeping giant for long.
Many reports are coming in about the condition of Kai, some reliable, some perhaps not. Some are saying the attack lead to surgery. And some are saying he will soon be making a huge recovery. But what is certain is the huge amounts of support and love that have been pouring in from the surf community following the news of their fallen brother.
Yago Dora, via Instagram, wrote: “Sending some good energy to KaiBorg Garcia , who suffered a heart attack today , hoping for a speedy recovery!”