It has been years since there has been a pro bodyboarding event at Ala Moana Bowls and the contingent is prepared to put on a show of flips, airs, reverses, rolls and more. “Bowls” located off Magic Island in Honolulu, Hawaii is noted for its deep tube rides and perfect ramp to show off the acrobatics of bodyboarding. “I am excited”, said Norm Skorge contest organizer. ” We are stoked that we have so much support from Kellogg’s, Pepsi, Science Bodyboards and more. I am looking forward to an exciting kick off to a four event series. There is a good 4-6 foot face swell coming on Saturday and everyone will put on a great show.” The event has a Pro Womens and Mens, Junior, Drop Knee, Masters and an added “stand up” event. A very popular model for this division is the Science “hybrid” board.” Just one of the many new innovations that bodyboarders have seen of late. The event is two days of competition and is expected to start Saturday and finish up on Sunday.
SANDY BEACH: AUG 8-9 or 15-16
Organizers and surfers prepare for the Pro event at Bowls on Saturday and Sunday! Bodyboarders from all islands will be gathering to flex their muscle in the famous tubes of Ala Moana Bowls. “It’s really cool that we have four events that bring us together”, said pro surfer Keahi Parker. “It really pushes the sport. It’s set up also as a qualifier for world tour events, stepping up careers, we need that in Hawaii.” Parker also surfs on shortboards and longboards and keeps coming back to bodyboarding. ” I like to switch it up but I keep coming back to bodyboarding because I get more amped up to do big airs.” Parker is also slated to surf in the new stand up event. Junior champion 2014 Sammy Morretino from Kauai is ready to defend his last drop knee win. He has graduated from the Junior ranks by age and is ready to rock.” I will be looking forward to doing airs out of the pocket and big flips and inverts. I just gotta go step by step and have fun, it’s all about the fun”, he said. There is also a “Masters” division that has been added this year. Seasoned professional David Kelly is looking forward to the opportunity to compete once again at Bowls. ” It’s a great opportunity and it makes the sport legit”, explained Kelly. “I am doing the Masters, 40 and up, and I’m competitive just like I used to be and just want to beat my friends. I am blessed to be managing the Science team. Mike Stewart is at the head of the company and has a PHD in hydrodynamics so we get to test ride the best equipment in the world.” As he was speaking Kelly was showing the Science Hybrid model with a double graphite stringer, nose kick, rail chyme and channels, also mesh for stiffness. The board had little fins and was built for stand up and drop knee as well. “Oh yeah it makes an old guy like me ride better.” He smiled! Mike Stewart the head of the company is a ten time world champion and a world class body surfer as well. He has been designing products for over 30 years.
