Check this super chill grass root vid by Kyle at Vans presents the HIC Pro in absolutely perfect fun sized surf.

The surf coverage online is so fantastic these days that you almost don’t have to attend the event to see what happens.

However, by actually being there you get to see all the little behind the scenes activities.

The WSL Tour Notes get you in behind the yellow tape to see what the tour guys are doing, but for the rest of us the closest way to peak over the yellow tape is to hang near the beach marshall’s tent.

Sooner or later ever contestant has to check in, hear any specific judging rules that may apply to the contest, and to pick up an event jersey to wear during his or her heat.

And often the contest director, the beach and television announcers, and other celebrities will stop by to see what is going on.

Today I found up and coming Australian junior surfer Joel Paxton standing by as an alternate just in case any of the actual contestants failed to check in on time.

Thanks again to Bill Brooks for the use of his background music on the video.

Aloha, Kyle Metcalf

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