From Surfrider.org/ISD

Every day, the Surfrider Foundation and our network of volunteer activists work to protect our coasts.

On International Surfing Day, we come together and take a moment to celebrate the waves and beaches that we all love.

Surfing is an amazing gift and the beach is an incredible place that should be healthy, safe, and accessible to all people. However, just as our beaches face a number of challenges, so does our society. As surfers and beachgoers alike, it is our responsibility to foster a vibrant, inclusive community that comes together to protect and enjoy this extraordinary resource.

With much uncertainty this year due to COVID-19, we are anticipating that most parts of the world may not be able to participate in large-scale ISD events or even visit the beach. And with that in mind, we have developed some ways you can still celebrate ISD. If you are able to safely visit the beach, we ask that you adhere to all government regulations, including physical distancing and wearing a mask when appropriate.

Share The Stoke

  • If you’re able to visit your local beach, do a solo beach cleanup, and show us what you picked up by posting on your social channels, use the hashtag #ISD2020 and tag @Surfrider.  We will be highlighting solo beach cleanups posts all International Surfing Day on our social channels.

  • If you can’t get to the beach this year due to beach closures and restrictions, we have come up with some fun things you can do at home to keep the stoke alive.

    Tarp Surfing
    Grab a tarp, your skateboard, and a friend and get shacked on land!

    Getting Creative
    There are lots of fun social media challenges out there like the #HomeBreakChallenge on Instagram where you can show off your creativity at home.

    Use the hashtag #InternationalSurfingDay and tag @Surfrider on your social posts.  We will be highlighting your stay at home posts on International Surfing Day on Surfrider’s social channels.

  • Support Surfrider and our network of coastal defenders who protect what you love!


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