This year’s 1st Place winner of our @_chance_em_ 4th Annual “Poker with the Pro$” Charity Event will receive:
2-nights stay at Turtle Bay Resort,
4-Rounds of golf on the Arnold Palmer Course and
a $100 gift card for dinner at Leileis’s restaurant ($1,200 value).
Runner-up receives: 1-night stay at Turtle Bay Resort, 4-rounds of golf on the Arnold Palmer Course and a $100 gift card at Leileis’s restaurant ($900 value). 3rd place winner receives: 4 rounds of golf on the Arnold Palmer Course and a $100 gift card at Leileis’s restaurant ($600 value). That’s over $2600 in prizes to be won! Complementary food is being included for all contestants. 100% OF ALL PROCEEDS GO TO OAHU HIGH SCHOOL SURF TEAMS. That means over 350 kids will benefit from this night! Come enjoy the fun, play some poker with a bunch of professional watermen and help the community thrive… RSVP: chanceemnorthshore@gmail.c
♦️#ChanceEm #hawaiipokerevent#pokerwiththepros2016 #forthekids #support#community #programs #oahu