The awesome event is set to finish this Saturday, June 16th @ White Plains Beach…meanwhile…The Final Round for the remaining six divisions starts at 8 am.
Last weekend something pretty rare happened. There was a ‘False Alarm’ Shark Attack at Hau Bush’s “Johns” Reef in Ewa Beach.
As far as the story stands today Wednesday, it ended up being a serious Fin cut NOT at Shark Bite.
The 48-year-old man was surfing around 7:45 a.m. when he was ‘hit’ or cut by something…in the lower left leg. He never saw a shark.
How this could be mistaken escapes me…a fin cut would logically & clearly look different than a shark bite, right?! How could a shark tooth (teeth, upper and lower jaw) mimic a fin cut? Was it more a gash than cut?
Oh well, EMS know what they’re doing and they thought the wound was consistent with a possible bite.
He made it to shore & paramedics controlled the bleeding and pain before he was transported to the emergency room in serious condition.
We wish our fellow surfer a fast and full recovery!
This incident caused the HIC All-Military Classic at White Planes to play it safe and postpone the rest of the King Kamehameha weekend.
The annual event would have finished in bombing surf. The outside reefs hit 5-6′ and reformed inside at 3-4′ with nooks, crannies & corners to hunt down. But the now infamous invisible shark shut the days plans down. Better safe than sorry.
This South swell was actually a little too big for WPB but the waves and surfing action were jammed packed up till the point of postponement.
I was surfing Shark Country about 1-2 miles Diamond Head of WPB and we were all talking about the ‘shark attack’ earlier that Saturday. There were 20+ guys out in the water including Makua Rothman, Arnold Dowling et al. It’s what you expect for this neck of the woods.
Word is that Shark Country got its name from the 60’s when, for a while, it became a breeding ground for all kinds of sharks. There could be as many as 50 visible in the water and at times they’d duke it out for Top Shark Mating Honors-in the line up- and the losers would end up dead on the beach! G-Narly Dude.
I went back out Sunday June 10th late morning and there were only 2 guys out.
‘Where is everyone? “I asked.
They told me that a Shark charged a SUP on the outside line up on hour before I paddled out.
The shark we assumed was the same aggressive shark that bit our buddy a few hundred yards west of us the day before.
It cleared the crowd out. I thought, damn…Ok. I’m out. Let’s play (and pray). I mean, it was Sunday!
We informally agreed to keep an eye on each other just in case.
After a couple hours of pressing my luck…I came in happy…and grateful.
Aloha and Mahalo,
GQ, Droppin’ in 4 U!
Hey Gary … cool story! …. Everyone seems to be super shark conscious these days. A guy got bite at Davidson’s here on Kauai last year – I was surfing Dave’s 2 days earlier … kinda scary.
I booked a trip to Tengarra (Indo) next spring. It’s a new ‘secret’ spot – they won’t tell us exactly where it is and promise no crowds. My philosophy is to go to these new spots before they get too well known and thus crowded.
Keep in Touch – Lindsay (aka Squidman)
I need a surf trip…but family and biz…:(
How long does it take to get there?
Ty Squidman!