Surf Tip “How to Surf Faster in Small Waves” Part 1

The latest by Noel Salas…
Surf ‘n Show started as a YouTube channel in 2015 when my brother Aarron and I started shooting videos on surfboards that I had purchased. I used to surf on the ASP World Qualifying Tour back in the mid to late 90’s and my brother Aarron and I made surf movies.

After I left the tour I took some time off, when I came back surfboards and fins had changed dramatically. With all of the new developments I struggled to fine tune my equipment. Surfboards were now being measured in liters of volume and fins came in all different shapes, construction types, and flex patterns. I did as much research as possible on boards and fins before I began building my quiver, but there wasn’t a whole lot of information out there to help me along the way.

In talking with people I noticed that I wasn’t alone, my struggles were every other surfer’s too. We saw a need and Surf ‘n Show was born.

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