[{"titulo":"705am OBS, Saturday, October 5th","sub_titulo":"Calm morning with some high clouds and very light trades filling to moderate paces midday. Mid-day sea breezes mixing in for most coasts. No marine warnings.","short_intro":"Big picture updated 10\/5. Small N-NNW mix. Declining tiny SSW & new long period South. Tiny trade wind swell. Call 596-SURF: 7a, Noon, 4pm (recap-forecast).","north":"Down and Dropping 10 sec N-NNW. Clean and glassy early, becoming mushy by late morning. Sunset 1-2'; Rocky Pt 1-occ. 2'; Pipe 1-occ. 2'; Chuns 1-occ. 2'; Laniakea 1-2 occ. +; Ali'i Beach Park 0-1.5' under scattered clouds.","west":"Down and Dropping 10 sec N-NNW + Down and dropping 11 sec SSW + new 20 sec South. Clean under light offshores but sea breezes mixing in towards late morning. Makaha is 0-1 occ soft 2' combo peaks. Scattered clouds.","town":"Down and dropping 11 sec SSW + new 20 sec South. Clean due to light offshores. Waikiki reefs are 0-1' occ. 1.5' average; Kaisers-Rockpiles to Ala Moana to Kewalos are 0-1.5 very occ. soft 2' and long lulls. Scattered clouds. ","diamond_head":"Down and dropping 11 sec SSW + new 20 sec South. Slightly textured under light side shore ENE trades. Surf's 1-very occ. 2' under scattered clouds.","sundys":"Down and dropping 11 sec SSW + new 20 sec South + tiny trade wrap and a trace of North wrap. Ruffled side offshores. Full Pt\/Half Pt are 1-2' occ. + combo peaks. Shorebreak is focused from Cobbles to Middle Peak at 1-2' and some back wash. Scattered clouds. ","makapuu":"Up & holding 13 sec North wrap + Rising 11 sec ENE. Semi-clean early due to light trades, becoming bumpy by mid-morning. Surf's 1-1.5' occ. soft 2' and breaking along the shore all the way to Keiki corner. Scattered clouds."}]